iPhone/iPod touchに最適化した画期的なマンガのカタチです。上下左右進んだ方向によって話の展開が全く変わる四コマ漫画です。紙ではありえないコマの広がりと、フリック一つでオチが変わるという新しいマンガ表現!!一つのコマから様々に枝分かれする四コマの可能性をお楽しみください。
A Brand new comic just for the iPhone & iPod touch.Dynamically change the story with the direction of your flick! Enjoy the vast endings never before possible on printed comics! A brand new form of manga expression only possible on the iPhone & iPod touch.
Both English and Japanese versions are installed. Read it in English, and try and see how its written in Japanese.
How to use:
Choose your next comic frame from above, below, left and right, by swiping with your fingers.
You can choose any direction except the direction of the previous comic frame.